
William J। O'Neil Insights and Wisdom

William J। O'Neil Insights and Wisdom

"There are only two things you can really do when a new bear market begins: "sell and get out or go short."

"Learn to always sell stocks quickly when you have a small loss rather than waiting and hoping they'll come back."

"Your objective is to agree 100% with what is actually happening in the market rather than try to tell it what you think it ought to be doing. The market doesn't care who you are or what you think, hope, or want."

"Don't chase extended stocks. Chasing stocks, like crime, doesn't pay."

"It doesn't pay to argue with the market. Experience teaches that fighting the market can be a very expensive lesson."

"Never operate from a position of fear. If your stocks are keeping you up at night, sell to the sleeping point."

"When a stock breaks [down], many people become psychologically frozen. They decide they'll wait for the stock to rally back so they can sell it where they should have sold it in the first place. But a tiny campfire not extinguished can develop into a devastating forest fire."

"What you must realize is that there are no 'good' or 'safe' stocks. In a way, all stocks are bad - that is, unless they go up. The only way your selections should be thought of as good stocks is after they prove themselves by going up in price after you buy them - they must produce results!"